This issue:
Regardless of what product or service it provides, a company is only as good as its people: without the right people, business grinds to a halt. Savvy leaders know better than to underestimate the value of their employees—and are always looking for ways to improve that aspect of their organizations.
Also in this issue:
In this issue’s feature article, “How Do You Measure Quality of Hire in a Full Employment Economy?,” Tom McGuire discusses why you should measure the quality of the talent you are hiring and how to do it. He also emphasizes that talent drives business value and, in a full employment economy, companies must be particularly in tune with their talent.
Engagement is another issue that’s getting a lot of coverage in today’s HR circles. In “3 Ways Millennials Have Changed Candidate Engagement Strategy,” Allie Kelly points out that although much of the engagement talk has been focused on current employees, the way we engage with candidates needs to change. Kelly notes that millennial candidates “want social proof that the product, service or opportunity they are interested in is legitimate and matches their desires.” They are also quick to share their job search experience with others.
Part of building a strong relationship involves meeting the needs of everyone in it. In “6 Ways Your Employee Experience Needs to Change,” Lilith Christiansen suggests that recruiting for retention starts with streamlining and customizing the hiring process. Starting the employment relationship on a strong foundation starts with the moment they apply for a job. Christiansen also notes, that “there’s a strong relationship between engaged employees and satisfied customers.”
At Advanced Resources we believe strongly in the power of connection. Let us help you determine the best ways to strengthen the connections within (and outside) your organization!
About Advanced Resources HR Insights:
Insights from the eyes of industry leaders. In every edition of our HR Insights Magazine, influential and wide-ranging thought leaders in HR, recruitment, staffing, management, and other fields discuss themes that are relevant to our clients’ businesses.